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Champaran - May, 1917

Date Place Significant Event(s) Noteworthy Letter(s)/Interview (s) CWMG Details
May, 1917        
1-May-17 Bettiah and Motihari Morshead wrote to Chief Secretary, Bihar and
Orissa, recommending appointment of enquiry commission.
2-May-17 Motihari MKG Addressed meeting of planters;
Government contradicted newspaper report
that withdrawal of case against Gandhiji was ordered by Government of India.
  CWMG Vol XIII, pp .381 - 383
3-May-17 Motihari and Bettiah      
4-May-17 Bettiah      
5-May-17 Bettiah Directors of Bihar Planters' Association passed
resolutions recording emphatic protest against manner of Gandhiji's enquiry.
  CWMG Vol XIII, p. 383
6-May-17 Bettiah Government of Bihar telegraphically
requested MKG to see at Patna, Mr. Maude of Lt. Governor's Executive Council on 10th.
7-May-17 Bettiah National School was started in
Satyagraha Ashram in Ahmedabad, and Narhari Parikh joined. Sankalchand Jethalal Shah joined about this time.
8-May-17 Bettiah      
9-May-17 Bettiah and Patna W, Maude, Member of Executive Council , met
Morshead, Heycock, Lewis and Whitty.
10-May-17 Patna Called on Maude; Meeting lasted 2 hrs. MKG agreed to send report.    
11-May-17 Bettiah      
12-May-17 Bettiah Sent his report to Maude   CWMG Vol XIII, pp.   383 - 384
*Mismatch between CBD
 and CWMG
13-May-17 Bettiah   Prepared report on condition of ryots in Champaran CWMG Vol XIII, pp. 384 - 390
14-May-17 Bettiah   MKG recorded confidential note on the position in Champaran.
Also sent letter to Associated Press of India
CWMG Vol XIII, pp. 391 - 396
15-May-17 Bettiah      
16-May-17 Bettiah, Sariswa,
17-May-17 Bettiah Indian Home Rule League held first annual
Conference at Nasik uner Presidentship of Jospeh Baptista
  CWMG Vol XIII, pp. 397 - 400
18-May-17 Bettiah Kutcherry building of Dhokraha outwork of
Loheria factory was burnt down.
19-May-17 Bettiah   MKG wrote to manager of Loheria concern
regarding oppression of raiyats
CWMG Vol XIII, pp. 400 - 403
20-May-17 Bettiah In letter to Home Member, Government of
India , Lt.-Governor detailed action to be taken against MKG
Bihar Planters' Association wrote to Morshead tracing acts of incendiarism to MKG's mission.
MKG wrote to Heycock regarding Belwa and
Dhokraha concerns and complained of intimidation by planters.
CWMG Vol XIII, pp.  404 - 406
21-May-17 Bettiah McPherson sought Government of India's
approval to remove MKG and his associates from Champaran under Defence of India Rules

Whitty wrote to Maude that MKG had "become the centre of agitation against the European"
MKG recorded confidential note on the position in Champaran.  CWMG Vol XIII, pp. 407 - 411
22-May-17 Bettiah In letter to Morshead, Heycock attributed
Dhokraha fire to MKG's visit and described his enquiry as "dangerous to the peace of the district."
MKG sent to Heycock another statement about
Dhokraha fire
CWMG Vol XIII, pp.  412 - 414
23-May-17 Bettiah and Motihari      
24-May-17 Motihari     CWMG Vol XIII, p. 415
25-May-17 Motihari, Tola, Chatauni     CWMG Vol XIII, pp. 416 - 418
26-May-17 Chatauni, Bettiah   Letter to Esther Faering; MKG described condition
of Champaran raiyatsas "no better than that of slaves."
27-May-17 Bettiah      
28-May-17 Bettiah      
29-May-17 Bettiah Sir Edward Gait Lt. Governor requested
MKG to see him on 4th June at Ranchi
Statement to the press on Champaran Committee CWMG Vol XIII, p. 421
30-May-17 Bettiah MKG stated- if the present grievances are
removed, a Commission may succeed n settling remaining points.
Letter to McPherson; MKG agreed to meet
Lt.-Governor and complaind against planters' obstruction in his enquiry.
CWMG Vol XIII, pp. 421 - 431
31-May-17 Bettiah The system of indentured Labour was
abolished from this day

