The Ganga flows in man's heart, yet he does not bathe in it, and remains unwashed.
- "Friday, August 23, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXV, p. 507.He who is the dust of everybody's feet is near to God.
- "July 10, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXX, p. 438.It is more than severe punishment to compel a man to do something which he does not understand.
- "November 23, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXII, p. 445.He whose eye says one thing, his tongue another, and his heart yet another, is a worthless fellow.
- "Poona, March 17, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIII, p. 413.Everyone, prince or pauper, is the guardian of his own dharma. What is there to grieve or rejoice in this?
- "September 11, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXI, p. 459.A devotee is ever absorbed in God.
- "November 16, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXII, p. 444.We have no existence outside and apart from God.
- "Poona, February 26, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIII, p. 411.He who loses his individuality loses all.
- "December 10, 1944", CWMG, vol. LXXVIII, p. 393.A person without attachment should have an inexhaustible fund of patience.
- "Sodepur, January 16, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXII, p. 450.The power of a true word is such that it leads one from selfishness to selflessness.
- "July 31, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXI, p. 455.True happiness does not come from obtaining what one likes. It comes from cultivating a liking for what one dislikes.
- "Poona, March 16, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIII, p. 413.No joy can compare with the joy of doing one's duty in silence.
- "June 10, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 457.How is it that a precept regarded as applicable to others appears inapplicable to oneself?
- "April 25, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 453.Is not death, in every case, a release from too much suffering? If so, why lament when it comes?
- "May 6, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXX, p. 431.Life is unreal, death is real and certain. ラNanak
- "July 19, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXI, p. 454.Man must never suppress his inner voice even if he stand alone.
- "June 24, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 458.Meditation makes one strong and lucid.
- "July 12, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 460.Justice needs to be tempered with generosity as much as generosity needs to be tempered with justice.
- "October 23, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXI, p. 462.If all become teachers, who will be the pupils? So let us all be pupils.
- "Delhi, April 13, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIII, p. 416.Mere confession of a wrong does not erase it. Whatever is possible must be done to undo the wrong.
- "Madras, January 25, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIII, p. 407.There is no happiness like Truth, no misery like untruth.
- "July 17, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXV, p. 504.All activities that are born of one and the same seed merge into one another.
- "Uruli, March 27, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIII, p. 414.When God is enshrined in our hearts, we cannot harbour evil thoughts or do evil deeds.
- "June 7, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 457.Man is the image of his thoughts.
- "December 30, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXII, p. 449.Inner strength grows by prayer.
- "Saturday, September 14, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXV, p. 509.Sorrow is but another aspect of joy. Hence the one invariably follows the other.
- "July 27, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXI, p. 455.A man without an ideal is like a ship without a rudder. (Written on 15-4-45.)
- "April 13, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXIX, p. 436.Nothing is ever achieved without toil, that is without tapa. How, then, can self-purification be possible without it?
- "January 17, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXIX, p. 427.Reflection shows that heaven is here on earth, not in the sky above.
- "March 7, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIII, p. 412.Even one drop of the poison of untruth will poison the entire milk-ocean of Truth.
- "August 6, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXI, p. 455.Man dies when he cuts himself off from the source of his being, not when the soul leaves the body.
- "July 10, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 460.Not to do evil is the only true law of life, says Guru Teg Bahadur.
- "July 18, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXI, p. 454.He who wishes to save time will never do a single unnecessary thing.
- "July 24, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXV, p. 505.The real service to the Bhils would be to make them fearless and remove their despair.
- "Wednesday, August 28, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXV, p. 508.If there is a soul, then surely the Supreme Soul (God), too, exists.
- "August 27, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXI, p. 457."Man is not God; call him not that. But of Divine refulgence he is part."
- "December 18, 1944", CWMG, vol. LXXVIII, p. 393.He who obeys God's Law will never care for any other law which is opposed to the Divine Law.
- "July 25, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXV, p. 505.Therefore, a satyagrahi will never seek rights; these will come to him unsought.
- "August 5, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXI, p. 455.However lofty the ambition, even those considered the lowliest of creatures should come within its ambit.
- "Wednesday, September 11, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXV, p. 509.He who fears, fails.
- "Delhi, March 31, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIII, p. 414.Man by himself is nothing. But when he has become one with God, he is everything.
- "July 14, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 460.What can a person not accomplish by faith? He can do everything.
- "December 6, 1944", CWMG, vol. LXXVIII, p. 392.Pure love removes all weariness.
- "Thursday, August 15, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXV, p. 507.Life means not revelryラeating, drinking and making merry but praising God, i. e., rendering true service to humanity.
- "February 17, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXIX, p. 430.To mistake selfishness for selflessness is like mistaking a jackal for a lion.
- "October 17, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXI, p. 462.Every moment I observe how man deceives himself.
- "May 31, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXX, p. 434.How shall we please God, how praise Him? By serving His creatureラman.
- "June 3, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXX, p. 434.Why fear death when the threat is ever present?
- "Sunday, September 8, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXV, p. 508.By whatever name God be called, if there be godly attributes, we must surely bow to Him.
- "May 12, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXX, p. 432.Thought pierces even a wall of steel.
- "September 5, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXV, p. 508."God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble." Psalms, XLVI. 1.
- "March 7, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXIX, p. 432.The darkness of egoism is more impenetrable than darkness itself.
- "July 25, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXI, p. 454.It is easier to cross the ocean between countries than to span the gulf between individuals or people.
- "November 6, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXII, p. 443.Better to die once than to die daily.
- "April 16, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 452.We are all mad. Which of us shall call whom mad?
- "Monday, September 9, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXV, p. 509.Money is God'ラit is wrong to say so, and it has been proved to be wrong.
- "September 25, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXI, p. 460.To gain immortality through divine endowment is not a big thing. To fulfil our obligations in daily life is.
- "May 9, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 454.A life without thought is like that of a beast.
- "Tuesday, September 24, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXV, p. 510.We are no better than any otherラthis thought is full of truth and humility.
- "May 12, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 454.The true mark of success in life is the growth of tenderness and maturity in a man.
- "Madras (In Train), February 4, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIII, p. 409.Perfection is only an ideal for man; it cannot be attained, for man is made imperfect.
- "April 22, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 453.If you must be annoyed, why should it be at other people's lapses, why not at your own?
- "Thursday, September 26, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXV, p. 510.What is 'big' or 'small' in sin? Sin is sin. To believe otherwise is self-deception.
- "Friday, August 9, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXV, p. 506.He who loses patience, loses Truth as well as Non-violence.
- "Panchgani, July 16, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXV, p. 504.It is sin to regard anyone as helpless who has God for his support.
- "Madras, January 29, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIII, p. 408.If we call God our Redeemer and let our indolence grow, we are committing a sin.
- "May 21, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 455.Nanak says : "The more one indulges oneself, the more unhappy one becomes."
- "August 13, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXI, p. 456.He who is poor by force of circumstances, cannot become poor by choice.
- "December 16, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXII, p. 447.When man realizes himself, he is saved.
- "April 18, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 452.One can never find Truth if one is not wide awake every moment of one's life.
- "August 3, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXI, p. 455.He who always treads only the path of Truth never stumbles.
- "March 9, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIII, p. 412.The greatness of a person lies in his heart, not in his head, that is, intellect.
- "February 3, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXIX, p. 428.He who harps on his woes, multiplies them manifold.
- "Sevagram, February 10, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIII, p. 409.Evil thoughts are also a sign of illness. Let us, therefore, avoid evil thoughts.
- "December 27, 1944", CWMG, vol. LXXVIII, p. 395.How strange that we run after physicians who are mortals themselves but forget Rama, the immortal, eternal and never-failing Physician!
- "December 30, 1944", CWMG, vol. LXXVIII, p. 395.He who thinks of the suffering humanity, will not think of himself. Where has he the time?
- "February 7, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXIX, p. 429.Such being the case, where is the sense in making merry or becoming arrogant?
- "Poona, June 30, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 459.God is omnipresent. Hence it is that He speaks to us through stones, trees, insects, birds, beasts, etc.
- "Poona, February 24, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIII, p. 411.If there is any hope for a man, whose mind remains impure in spite of himself, it is Ramanama.
- "On Nearing Madras, January 21, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIII, p. 407.Despair corrodes man.
- "Sunday, August 25, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXV, p. 507.That which looks for mercy from an opponent is not non-violence.
- "Sodepur, January 14, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXII, p. 450.The nearer we approach our ideal, the more truthful we become.
- "Simla, May 2, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 454.A guru should be perfect. God alone is that.
- "October 8, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXI, p. 461.When our outer life gets the better of our inner life, the result is bound to be bad.
- "April 19, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 452.He who has divine endowment in him becomes thereby immortal.
- "Gurudev Jayanti, May 8, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 454.Chastity needs no purdah. It needs only God's protection.
- "December 17, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXII, p. 447.Great caution is necessary when a man represses his nature.
- "July 22, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXV, p. 504.Pure thought is so subtle and yet so powerful a thing that it becomes all-pervading.
- "June 27, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 459.Simplicity cannot be affected, it should be ingrained in one's nature.
- "Tuesday, August 13, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXV, p. 506.Life becomes perpetually renewed every day. This knowledge should be helpful in uplifting us.
- "September 16, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXI, p. 459.Who can eat with an easy mind so long as even a single person starves for want of work?
- "November 28/December 3, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXII, p. 445.Vice flourishes in darkness. It vanishes in the light of day.
- "October 21, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXI, p. 462.True happiness does not come from without; it comes from within.
- "December 9, 1944", CWMG, vol. LXXVIII, p. 392.We can do nothing right, so long as we are not blessed with inner light.
- "Sevagram, February 11, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIII, p. 409.Deeds, like seeds, take their own time to fructify.
- "Bombay, February 19, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIII, p. 410.He who is afraid of people's censure will never be able to do anything worth while.
- "Sunday, August I8, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXV, p. 507.Every minute that runs to waste is irrecoverable. Yet, knowing this, how much time we waste!
- "May 20, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXX, p. 433.If one man can become perfect, it is but fair to assume that all can become so.
- "Sunday, October 6, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXV, p. 511.Ramanama helps only those who fulfil the conditions for its recitation.
- "Delhi, April 8, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIII, p. 415.When the self dies, God fills the void.
- "May 16, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 455.Real weakness is internal, not outward.
- "Madras, January 31, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIII, p. 408.Living with God there are no difficulties.
- "Delhi, April 11, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIII, p. 415.[Ramanama] is the only unfailing remedy for man's threefold ills.
- "May 24, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 456.To see nothing but faults of others is even meaner than praising one's own virtues.
- "October 15, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXI, p. 461.Inexhaustible patience is needed if Truth is to be brought home to anyone.
- "Poona, July 28, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXV, p. 505.He who talks in tune with the rhythm of life is never weary.
- "March 8, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIII, p. 412.He who remembers everything else but forgets God, really remembers nothing.
- "August 25, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXI, p. 457.Purity is tested only when it is pitted against impurity.
- "October 19, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXI, p. 462.To speak the truth, you have to weigh your words again and again.
- "June 4, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 457.He alone can be a true satyagrahi who knows the art of living as well as of dying.
- "Bombay,March 14, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIII, p. 412.What seems impossible is not always really so.
- "August 21, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXI, p. 457.Man knows what his duty is, yet does not do what he knows he ought to. Why is that so?
- "April 4, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXIX, p. 435.Life spent in service is the only fruitful life.
- "Monday, September 16, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXV, p. 509.How wrong it is to ask others to be clean when we ourselves remain unclean!
- "February 12, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXIX, p. 429.To be guilty of a lapse, small or big, is certainly bad; but to hide it is even worse.
- "March 11, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIII, p. 412.The nectar of Ramanama brings joy to the soul and rids the body of its ailments.
- "July 9, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 460.If the inside is clean, the outside is bound to be so.
- "Delhi, April 5, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIII, p. 415.If you see inner beauty, the outer will seem dull.
- "Sunday, September 15, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXV, p. 509.When we wipe the slate clean, we see God's signature clearly on it.
- "Tuesday, September 10, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXV, p. 509.It is easy to instruct an uneducated person, but who can carry understanding to a man of little learning?
- "October 9, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXI, p. 461.He who wants to drink of the nectar of Ramanama must purge himself of lust, anger and the like.
- "June 20, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 458.A person without attachment should under no circumstances give way to anger.
- "Sodepur, January 17, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXII, p. 450.The human body is like a musical instrument. Any note that is desired can be struck on it.
- "September 4, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXV, p. 508.When a man empties his heart, God enters it.
- "Delhi, April 7, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIII, p. 415.Life is likened to a rose; because life, too, is full of thorns.
- "May 7, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXX, p. 431.Dying for religion is good; for fanaticism, neither dying nor living.
- "Friday, September 13, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXV, p. 509.He who has God on his side, has all.
- "Delhi, April 9, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIII, p. 415.He who is absorbed in God cannot become absorbed in anybody or anything besides Him.
- "November 17, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXII, p. 444.Only he is worthy to mete out punishment whose judgement is infallible. Who but God can be such?
- "October 24, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXI, p. 462.Fewer people die from disease than from fear of disease.
- "May 7, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 454.He who wishes to preserve his integrity must be prepared to lose all material possessions.
- "December 14, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXII, p. 447.Opposition makes the man.
- "Delhi, April 4, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIII, p. 415.The soul dries up without the company of the good.
- "May 31, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 456.Who can describe the joy that lies in finding refuge in God?
- "Uruli, March 25, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIII, p. 414.Not contrived but genuine laughter is true eloquence, and more effective than speech.
- "May 16, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXX, p. 432.A troubled mind causes more suffering than an ulcer.
- "Friday, September 20, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXV, p. 509.No man is worthless who lightens anyone's burden even the least bit.
- "January 30, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXIX, p. 428.Man cannot worship God and at the same time despise his fellow-beings. The two are irreconcilable.
- "September 28, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXI, p. 460."Trust ye in the Lord for ever: for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength." Isaiah, XXVI. 4.
- "March 4, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXIX, p. 432.Faith transcends reason; it is not opposed to it.
- "November 5, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXII, p. 443.He who wants to please all, will please none.
- "June 1, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXX, p. 434.How can one claim to be human if he acts like a beast?
- "Friday, August 16, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXV, p. 507.When the world rejects a man, God befriends him.
- "Sevagram, February 7, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIII, p. 409.Man cannot raise himself by searching outside. The scope for growth lies within.
- "Wednesday, August 14, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXV, p. 506.Envy devours him who harbours it. He who is the object of envy remains unaffected, perhaps even unaware of it.
- "May 29, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXX, p. 434.More people die of worry than of natural causes.
- "April 15, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 452.The straight path is as difficult as it is simple. Were it not so, all would follow the straight path.
- "December 11, 1944", CWMG, vol. LXXVIII, p. 393.If you want to stand before God, you must go after shedᆳding the robe of egoism.
- "July 2, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 459.An important matter loses importance if irrelevant. A relevant thing, though small, is of the highest importance.
- "April 19, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXIX, p. 437.The non-attached person cannot own anything.
- "On The Train To Madras, January 19, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXII, p. 451.For the realization of Truth it is necessary to read the lives of the saints and reflect upon them.
- "December 3, 1944", CWMG, vol. LXXVIII, p. 392.How can a man who turns night into day be non-attached?
- "June 19, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 458.He who is face to face with God does not speak, cannot speak.
- " August 4, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXV, p. 506.Man is where his mind is, not where his body is.
- "On The Steamer To Dhubri, January 13, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXII, p. 450.An ideal is one thing; living up to it is quite another. (Written on 15-4-1945.)
- "April 12, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXIX, p. 436.Even if he be your relation, do not try to hide his faults.
- "June 21, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 458.There can be no perception without steadfastness of mind.
- "Madras, January 28, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIII, p. 408.The world may call us weak but we must not weaken our ideals.
- 'Sevagram, February 8, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIII, p. 409.Nanak says : "The craving for happiness is a veritable disease. Sorrow or suffering is its remedy."
- "August 9, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXI, p. 456.Have we any right to pray so long as we have not purged ourselves of our impurities?
- "February 22, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXIX, p. 430.Sacrifice which causes pain is no sacrifice at all. True sacrifice is joy-giving and uplifting.
- "June 25, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXX, p. 436.Do not do anything do not read anything without understanding.
- "Thursday, August 22, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXV, p. 507.To remember God and forget others is to see God even in them.
- "Poona, March 21, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIII, p. 413.If the courage to endure everything with goodwill is lacking, goodwill becomes a lame virtue.
- "May 11, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 454.Non-possession means that we should not hoard anything that we do not need today.
- "November 25, 1944", CWMG, vol. LXXVIII, p. 391.A good thought is like fragrance.
- "Uruli, March 26, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIII, p. 414.What is true of purity is true of all other virtues. Nonᆳviolence is tested when it faces violence.
- "October 20, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXI, p. 462.A right cause never fails; A true word never hurts in the end.
- "January 23, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXIX, p. 427.Truth should be accompanied by firmness of purpose.
- "Madras"January 26, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIII, p. 408.He who does not labour and yet eats, eats stolen food.
- "November 27/December 3, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXII, p. 445.He who has neither peace nor determination, how can he have realization?
- "Sevagram, February 15, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIII, p. 410.Steadfastness in meditation indicates depth of thought; it also makes for purity and maturity of thought.
- "June 11, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 457.Do not listen to rumour; but, if you do, do not believe it.
- "July 4, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXX, p. 437.He who is shamed into acting correctly is not acting correctly at all.
- "November 10, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXII, p. 444.Slipshod work is like half-baked bread, fit only to be thrown away.
- "May 9, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXX, p. 432.Education which does not mould character is wholly worthless.
- "Sodepur, January 7, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXII, p. 449.It is very difficult to confess one's error; but then there is no other way of cleansing oneself.
- "May 13, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 455.This day deserves to be written in letters of gold for, on April 6, 1919, India discovered herself.
- "Delhi, April 6, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIII, p. 415.Isaiah, XLI. 10 has : "Fear thou not; for I am with thee."
- "March 3, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXIX, p. 432.Experience is daily growing upon me that everything is attainable through silence.
- "June 20, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXX, p. 436.A word uttered from a pure heart goes never vain.
- "January 24, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXIX, p. 427.Meditation does not make one dull.
- "July 11, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 460.Selfless action is a source of strength, for such action means the worship of God.
- "January 19, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXIX, p. 427.Everyone grows old with the passage of time; desire alone remains ever youthful.
- "November 8, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXII, p. 443.Silence inspired by fear is no silence.
- "Sevagram, February 6, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIII, p. 409.When Reason and Faith are in conflict, it is better to prefer Faith.
- "Saturday, August 17, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXV, p. 507.Never should we make the mistake of imagining that a wrong can be classified as 'big' or 'smallメ.
- "September 1, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXI, p. 458.Man rests in the jaws of Death. He is said to be dead when the jaws close.
- "On the train to Poona, June 29, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 459.One who thinks in terms of 'mine' and 'thine' cannot be free from attachment.
- "Sodepur, January 18, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXII, p. 451.Faith that does not wane but ever waxes higher and turns into realization.
- "December 3, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXII, p. 446.Accepting undesired service, which is not joyfully rendered, is a painful burden.
- "July 21, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXV, p. 504.Without the maximum possible non-attachment, it is inconceivable for anyone to live up to the age of 125 years.
- "In The Train On Way To Madras, January 20, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIII, p. 407.When the inner lamp burns, it illumines the whole world.
- "April 24, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 453.How can that be religion which cannot be put to use in one's daily life?
- "October 4, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXI, p. 461.He who denies the existence of God denies his own.
- "September 8, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXI, p. 458.Debts are redeemed by deeds, not by words.
- "May 22, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 455.He who does not know himself is lost.
- "September 3, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXV, p. 508.Verily, there should be only one fearラthe fear of doing something mean or untrue.
- "May 8, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXX, p. 431.Non-attachment is put to real test only when there is full scope for our attachment to something.
- "June 15, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXX, p. 435.Let us think not of big things but of good things.
- "October 8, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXV, p. 511.Every minute of my life I am conscious of the presence of God. Why, then, need I fear anyone?
- "June 29, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXX, p. 437.There can be no safety for us save in the lap of God.
- "Poona, February 27, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIII, p. 411.He who is unable to rule over himself can never really succeed in ruling over others.
- "January 28, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXIX, p. 428.If we dwell on evil thoughts, they do not disappear; they are likely to become our companions. "Dhyayato vishayan.ヤ
- "Monday, September 30, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXV, p. 510.In fact there should be harmony in life. The melody will pervade all activities and behaviour.
- "February 23, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIII, p. 411.He who seeks refuge in Ramanama, has Ramanama installed "in his heart and is duly rewarded.
- "May 25, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 456.It is sinful to multiply wants unnecessarily.(Written on 3-4-1945.)
- "April 2, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXIX, p. 435.When a man has lost patience, he should resort to silence, and speak only when he has calmed down.
- "April 17, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 452.It appears that man cannot escape the snare of exaggeration.
- "Tuesday, August 20, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXV, p. 507.To have good thoughts is one thing; to act upon them is another.
- "May 3, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 454.Even a little untruth ruins a man, as a drop of poison ruins milk.
- "December 16, 1944", CWMG, vol. LXXVIII, p. 393.God and Satan cannot both occupy the throne of the heart.
- "Thursday, September 12, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXV, p. 509.To speak or not to speakラwhen that is the question, silence should take the place of speech.
- "October 25, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXI, p. 462.Selfishness and fear must go if one is to realize God.
- "Monday, August 26, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXV, p. 507.Our faith should be like an ever-burning lamp which not only gives us light but also illuminates the surroundings.
- "Poona, March 2, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIII, p. 411.Being a slave to fear and selfishness is the worst form of slavery.
- "May 19, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 455.Purity asks for no external protection.
- "December 26, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXII, p. 448.He alone lives in whose heart dwells Rama (God) and who is ever aware of such presence.
- "August 1, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXI, p. 455.Why seek outside that which is within you?
- "Poona, February 25, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIII, p. 411.Even one word, if true, is enough. Untrue words, however many, are worth nothing.
- "July 30, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXI, p. 455."The hasty are ruffled; the slow and steady have composure." One sees the truth of this every moment.
- "March 29, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXIX, p. 434.Why should I depend upon anyone for my own affairs?
- "April 29, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 453.When a man sleeps under the sky, who can rob him?
- "Delhi, April 2, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIII, p. 415.Confession of error works like a broom. The broom sweeps away filth; confession does no less.
- "December 9, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXII, p. 447.What is learnt by rote is of as little value as the parrot's recitation of Ramanama.
- "June 12, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXX, p. 435.Renunciation is true enjoyment.
- "Madras, January 30, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIII, p. 408.It is strange that we toil so much over externals without a care for what lies within.
- "Tuesday, September 17, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXV, p. 509.He alone who truly serves is a good householder. He goes on giving without expectation of return.
- "November 3, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXII, p. 443.The first service is latrine-cleaning.
- "July 27, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXV, p. 505.We have made ourselves what we are.
- "March 1, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIII, p. 411.Irregularity never goes well with non-attachment.
- "November 9, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXII, p. 444.It is not man that enjoys pleasures; it is pleasures that enjoy man, which is to say they consume him.
- "November 7, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXII, p. 443.Nanak says : "If we obey the law of God, we then need no man-made laws."
- "July 23, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXI, p. 454.The greater man's realization of the Self, the greater his progress.
- "Thursday, September 19, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXV, p. 509.Nothing turns out right so long as there is no harmony between body, mind and soul.
- "August 2, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXV, p. 505.What more do you want when the heavens are within you, and even God Himself?
- "April 27, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 453.Silence above all.
- "Thursday, August 29, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXV, p. 508.Life is not a bed of roses; it is full of thorns.
- "New Delhi, June 9, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 457.Religion does not consist in eating this food or eschewing that but only in the realization of God within oneself.
- "October 26, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXI, p. 462.Says Nanak again : "Whatever you give away is yours; whatever you keep is not yours."
- "August 10, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXI, p. 456.He who forgets God, forgets himself.
- "August 26, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXI, p. 457.Untruth corrodes the soul; truth nourishes it.
- "July 2, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXX, p. 437.How can he who does not know the art of living know the art of dying?
- "October 31, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXI, p. 463.Faith is the sun of life.
- "Friday, October 4, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXV, p. 511.He who remembers God can afford to forget everything else.
- "August 24, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXI, p. 457.We must always listen to criticism of our faults and failings, never to our praises.
- "July 5, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXX, p. 437.Why does a man become restless when he is unable to do his work?
- "July 30, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXV, p. 505.The breach of one rule inevitably leads to the breach of other rules.
- "May 14, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXX, p. 432.A foreigner deserves to be welcomed only when he mixes with the indigenous people as sugar does with milk.
- "Madras, January 23, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIII, p. 407."There is no sin like untruth, even as a million berries heaped together cannot equal a mountain". ラTulsidas
- "October 7, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXI, p. 461.Divine Power is a thing that nothing can withstand.
- "Bombay, July 5, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 459.Many things are wrought by patience, even as they are spoilt by impatience.
- "Monday, August 12, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXV, p. 506.To find fault is one thing; to prove it is another.
- "July 8, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXX, p. 438.Fear vanishes only with the annihilation of the ego.
- "August 18, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXI, p. 457.Just as only others can see a man's back while he himself cannot, we too cannot see our own errors.
- "May 5, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXX, p. 431.What matters to you the world's praise or censure? Do what you think is your duty.
- "Sarani or Gauhati, January 10, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXII, p. 450.He who has not in him infinite patience cannot observe non-violence.
- "March 26, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXIX, p. 434.It is useless to recite Ramanama without acting in a manner worthy of Rama.
- "April 21, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 453.Because of our physical limitations, we cannot have a conception of the existence of God.
- "August 28, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXI, p. 457.To rejoice in happiness is to invite misery. Real happiness springs from sorrow and suffering.
- "May 15, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXX, p. 432.Beauty lies not in the complexion but in Truth alone.
- "December 4, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXII, p. 446.Die and be saved.
- "September 6, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXV, p. 508.One is a servant of him for whom one works, not to whom one pays only lip service.
- "June 14, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 457.Man has to do God's work, but how is he to know what that is?
- "Wednesday, October 2, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXV, p. 511.When there is both inner and outer cleanliness, it approaches godliness.
- "On The Assam Mail, January 8, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXII, p. 450.In egotism lies all trouble.
- "Monday, September 23, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXV, p. 510.Only that work which is done after anger has subsided can bear fruit.
- "Madras, January 22, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIII, p. 407.What greater meanness can there be than to seek out our good points and praise them to others?
- "October 14, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXI, p. 461.The joy of life lies in divesting oneself of life's cares.
- "November 1, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXII, p. 443.The light of knowledge can never dawn on the proud.
- "Friday, August 30, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXV, p. 508.Sweet are the fruits of patience.
- "April 28, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 453.Nobody progresses without opposition.
- "September 1, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXV, p. 508.It is possible to endure a diseased body, but not a diseased mind.
- "October 13, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXI, p. 461.One man's cruelty is the measure of another man's gentleness.
- "April 20, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 453.The same sage observes that where there is peace of mind there is inner strength which is unfailing.
- "Madura, February 2, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIII, p. 408.To destroy something is easy. To build requires great skill and care.
- "Saturday, August 10, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXV, p. 506.Just as the universe is contained in the self, so is India contained in the villages.
- "July 12, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXX, p. 438.By donning the garb of religion, vice does not become virtue nor does a wrong cease to be wrong.
- "October 5, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXI, p. 461.However great the fury of the storm, the sea does not abandon its calm.
- "July 29, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXV, p. 505.Every man should seek for the Source of his being.
- "September 2, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXV, p. 508.Religion is that which comprehends all. In other words, religion permeates life in all its aspects and at all times.
- "February 4, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXIX, p. 428."Sweet are the fruits of equanimity"ラthe truth of this is experienced every moment.
- "May 24, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXX, p. 433.Only experience makes us realize how hard it is to attain the state of non-attachment.
- "Sunday, September 22, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXV, p. 510.Pure thought is far more potent than speech.
- "May 26, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 456.The right that accrues from the performance of duty endures.
- "December 18, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXII, p. 447.The way to know what God's work is is heartfelt prayer and corresponding action.
- "Thursday, October 3, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXV, p. 511.Only he can be a leader who never loses hope.
- "Sevagram, February 12, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIII, p. 409.Indigestion, etc., are not the only causes of fever. Anger, too, can bring it on.
- "September 21, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXI, p. 460.In complete non-violence, there is complete absence of hatred.
- "December 23, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXII, p. 448.We have to make ourselves as nearly as possible like Him we want to reach.
- "Wednesday, September 25, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXV, p. 510.What distinguishes man from animals ? Comprehensive thinking on this question will solve a lot of our problems.
- "February 18, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXIX, p. 430.When ムI' and when 'God'? In determining this lies the test of wisdom.
- "July 6, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXX, p. 437.Why is it that man is afraid of speaking and practising truth, not untruth?
- "May 10, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXX, p. 432.True religion knows no territorial limits.
- "December 31, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXII, p. 449.Religion is no religion if it becomes mechanical.
- "September 23, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXI, p. 460.To seek a favour is to barter away one's freedom.
- "February 2, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXIX, p. 428.Belittling one's mother tongue is like disparaging one's own mother.
- "September 13, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXI, p. 459.Our personal cleanliness counts for little if our neighbours are not clean.
- "June 1, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 456.Alcohol maddens a man for the moment, but pride devours him completely and he is not even conscious of it!
- "October 29, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXI, p. 463.One perfect man can dispel untruth even though the untruthful be legion.
- "December 10, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXII, p. 447.We are loath to devote time to things that matter, but hanker after worthless things and find pleasure in them!!!
- "December 17, 1944", CWMG, vol. LXXVIII, p. 393.What shall we call a person who, in the name of Rama, acts like Ravana?
- "June 13, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 457.He who concentrates on any one thing with singleness of purpose, will ultimately acquire the capacity to do everything.
- "December 8, 1944", CWMG, vol. LXXVIII, p. 392.Nanak says : "God dwells in every human heart, and so every heart is a temple of God."
- "July 21, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXI, p. 454.When all forsake you, God shall still be with you.
- "April 26, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 453.Do not think, speak or write without reflecting. Consider how much time could thereby be saved.
- "July 11, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXX, p. 438.When everything belongs to God what shall we offer to Him?
- "May 20, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 455.He who looks for faults in others cannot see his own.
- "May 17, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 455.There is only one way of achieving independence through non-violence : by dying we live, by killing never.
- "March 13, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXIX, p. 433.I strive hard to preserve my physical body. Do I take the same pains to know my soul?
- "April 7, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXIX, p. 435.Merit lies in fighting alone, be the opponent one or many.
- "October 30, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXI, p. 463.He who lacks peace and firmness cannot realize God.
- "May 28, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 456.If the nature is evil, it needs not repression but casting out.
- "July 23, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXV, p. 504.When a man lives in submission to authority, it means he is paying the price of personal freedom.
- "December 5, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXII, p. 446.If God resides in every heart, then who dare hate whom?
- "July 22, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXI, p. 454.Humility does not work, if it is a mere pretence; nor does simplicity.
- "Bombay, February 18, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIII, p. 410.A poet has said that a man without knowledge is like an animal. What is that knowledge?
- "September 30, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXI, p. 460.If we are late for a train, we miss it. What if we are late for prayer?
- "June 6, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 457.It is not the whistle that moves the train but the power harnessed in the steam.
- "Kalka, May 14, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 455.Intuition is lame if it is not supported by reason.
- "June 25, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 458.He alone knows the charm of solitude who has deliberately taken to it.
- "July 9, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXX, p. 438.Good deeds let us do right now; the bad ones let us always keep on postponing.
- "Poona, March 19, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIII, p. 413.God is our Help as well as the Helmsman.
- "Delhi, April 12, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIII, p. 416.Let us always beware of false knowledge. That which keeps or turns us away from Truth is false knowledge.
- "December 2, 1944", CWMG, vol. LXXVIII, p. 392.The contentment that accrues to man as a result of leading a regular life, promotes his health and longevity.
- "May 17, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXX, p. 432.Contemplation of an ideal does not broaden its scope, but it certainly increases its depth.
- "Sevagram, February 13, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIII, p. 409.Sacrifice with regret is no sacrifice.
- "April 23, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 453.Faith is put to the test when the situation is most difficult.
- "December 12, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXII, p. 447.There is not a single moment in life when man cannot serve.
- "Delhi, April 3, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIII, p. 415.He who explores the branch and forgets the root, strays.
- "Poona, July 8, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 460.Man can overcome mountains by faith.
- "December 7, 1944", CWMG, vol. LXXVIII, p. 392.Faith makes the ship move.
- "Saturday, September 7, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXV, p. 508.If God keeps you, what does it matter if men reject you?
- "Saturday, October 5, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXV, p. 511.Moral strength does accrue from the reading of scriptures; but real freedom cannot be attained without enlightenment.
- "February 1, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXIX, p. 428.Even nectar turns into poison if poison is added to it.
- "June 23, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 458.He who knows no rules and follows none just cannot be a servant of the people.
- "October 10, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXI, p. 461.Noise does not overcome noise; silence does.
- "May 6, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 454.The wonder is that even though a man knows where true happiness lies, he wastes his life in pursuing untruth!
- "July 18, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXV, p. 504.When the soul awakes, all sorrow vanishes.
- "Uruli, March 30, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIII, p. 414.It is as difficult to make the impossible possible, as it is easy to make the possible impossible.
- "August 20, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXI, p. 457.Without selflessness, how can there be fearlessness?
- "February 16, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIII, p. 410.There is greater pleasure in not eating than in eating. Who has not experienced the truth of it?
- "July 3, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXX, p. 437.He who does not want to be a slave of anyone, must become the slave of God.
- "December 28, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXII, p. 448.He who in his distress turns to God is not troubled by any fear.
- "Sodepur, January 6, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXII, p. 449.It is well not to yield to desire. Once we give in restraint becomes difficult if not impossible.
- "January 27, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXIX, p. 428.Just as drop by drop the lake fills up, so also every minute of sincere prayer nourishes the soul.
- "Panchgani, July 13, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 460.Innocent and dreamless sleep is samadhi (meditation), yoga (concentration of mind) and selfless action. (Adapted from Vinoba's letter).
- "November 14, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXII, p. 444.We seek the company of the good, for that is the food for our soul.
- "In Train, February 17, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIII, p. 410.He who doubts the existence of God perishes.
- "September 7, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXI, p. 458.If we do not forsake our ideal, the ideal will never forsake us.
- "May 29, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 456.He who has everything but God on his side, has nothing.
- "Delhi, April 10, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIII, p. 415.He alone can offer sacrifice who is pure, fearless and worthy.
- "Saturday, August 24, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXV, p. 507.What a pity that even though a man knows it, he still prefers to fall!
- "Monday, October 7, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXV, p. 511."My grace is sufficient for thee : for my strength is made perfect in weakness." II Corinthians, XII. 9.
- "March 6, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXIX, p. 432.Everything is right and proper in its place, improper when out of place.
- "Monday, August 19, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXV, p. 507.When man smites, it is God who comes to our rescue.
- "June 18, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 458.Pride devours man completely. The truth of this can be realized by everyone every moment.
- "May 18, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXX, p. 432.We cannot act or even think, in two opposite ways at the same time.
- "May 1, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 453.It follows from the foregoing that we would be thereby adding that much time to our span of life.
- "June 22, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXX, p. 436.What does it matter if people look upon us as dreamers?
- "October 9, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXV, p. 511.Outward peace is useless without inner peace.
- "Sevagram, February 9, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIII, p. 409.Physical weakness is not the real weakness. Weakness of the mind alone is the real weakness.
- "On Way To Sodepur, January 3, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXII, p. 449.He who is truly clean within, cannot remain unclean without.
- "January 22, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXIX, p. 427.What is it, if not futile, to argue about something which is beyond thought?
- "November 25, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXII, p. 445.Whatever the crisis, the fire of love will overcome it.
- "Uruli, August 1, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXV, p. 505.When God is our Guide, we need worry about nothing.
- "July 15, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 460.That which should be renounced must be declined as a matter of duty even if offered free.
- "November 12, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXII, p. 444.How shall we dispel this darkness of egoism? By the light of uttermost humility.
- "July 26, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXI, p. 454.Our greatest enemy is not the foreigner, nor anyone else. We ourselves, that is, our desires, are our enemies.
- "December 27, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXII, p. 448.Man finds himself by losing his Self.
- "July 7, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 460.God is said to have four arms as well as a thousand. It shows that all this is mere imagery.
- "Sunday, September 29, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXV, p. 510.Blind is not he who has lost his eyes, but he who hides his shortcomings.
- "April 10, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXIX, p. 436.Economics which departs from or is opposed to ethics is no good and should be renounced.
- "Sarani or Gauhati, January 12, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXII, p. 450.Supposing God is on the side of both, then who should fear whom?
- "August 23, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXI, p. 457.The benefit of solitude can be realized only by experience.
- "May 4, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 454.Whatever we do should be done not to please or displease anyone, but only to please God.
- "July 19, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXV, p. 504.Faith is that which remains unshaken even in the face of advessity.
- "May 5, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 454.In faith there is no room for despair.
- "October 3, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXI, p. 461.When God cares, why should we be full of cares?
- "Delhi, April 14, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 452.The common people are a devoted worker's real bank, and this bank never fails.
- "Sodepur, January 4, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXII, p. 449.Nothing is impossible for a true devotee.
- "November 15, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXII, p. 444.He who thinks, speaks and acts with God as his witness, will never feel ashamed of doing the right thing.
- "September 5, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXI, p. 458.Prayer needs a heart, not a tongue. Without the heart, words have no meaning.
- "December 25, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXII, p. 448.Renunciation which does not spring from the heart cannot be abiding.
- "Sodepur, January 5, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXII, p. 449.A man of knowledge attains peace only through renunciation.
- "June 5, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 457.Man's capacity for self-deception is amazing.
- "Sevagram, Tuesday, August 6, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXV, p. 506.We shall cease to think only of ourselves when we think of others.
- "Sunday, August 11, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXV, p. 506.Knowledge is that alone which enables a man to know himself. In other words, knowledge means self-realization.
- "October 1, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXI, p. 460."Rather perish than break the pledged word." ラTulsidas
- "October 6, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXI, p. 461.To surrender to force is a sign of unmanliness.
- "Tuesday, August 27, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXV, p. 508.Superstition and truth cannot go together.
- "Madras, January 27, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIII, p. 408.Selfishness keeps us worrying for ever.
- "Poona, March 3, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIII, p. 411.Man's capacity for self-deception is immeasurably greater than that for deceiving others. Every sensible person will testify to this.
- "February 15, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXIX, p. 430.There is goodness as well as greatness in simplicity, not in wealth.
- "July 31, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXV, p. 505.Violence is the weapon of the weak; non-violence that of the strong.
- "December 13, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXII, p. 447.What is in the mind must come out, sooner or later.
- "May 23, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 455.Let us respect other religions even as we respect our own. Mere tolerance thereof is not enough.
- "November 27, 1944", CWMG, vol. LXXVIII, p. 391.He who has God for his companion, why need he be sorrowful or anxious or look for another companion?
- "Poona,March 20, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIII, p. 413.When a man's mind is filled with the Light of Heaven, all obstacles in his path vanish.
- "June 8, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 457.Slavery to the environment dulls a man's mind.
- "Poona, February 20, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIII, p. 410.One person has God on his side; millions have Satan on theirs. Must, therefore, one fear the millions?
- "August 22, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXI, p. 457.Like a ship without direction or destination, labour without an ideal is fruitless.
- "May 22, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXX, p. 433.An egoistical utterance should always be regarded as false.
- "Poona, March 10, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIII, p. 412.How strange that a man very often does not know who is a friend and who is a foe!
- "September 12, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXI, p. 459.Give all, gain all.
- "Wednesday, August 7, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXV, p. 506.Non-violence, truth, etc., are self-luminous. They cannot be genuine otherwise.
- "October 22, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXI, p. 462.Man is truly known by the humility of his spirit.
- "September 29, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXI, p. 460.Man can smile away his sorrows; by crying he only multiplies them.
- "Delhi, April 1, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIII, p. 414.He who is not disturbed by bad news will not be elated by good news.
- "May 10, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 454.When attachment is present, the performance of even a pure deed involves manipulation.
- "June 17, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 458.In order to know himself, man must come out of his shell and view himself dispassionately.
- "January 29, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXIX, p. 428.On the other hand, modesty and humility nourish man and make for his growth.
- "May 19, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXX, p. 433.We exist, because God is. This shows that man, or any living being, is part of the Divine.
- "February 24, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXIX, p. 431.Restlessness and impatience are two diseases and both shorten life.
- "May 27, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 456.Man spoils matters much more by speech than by silence.
- "February 5, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIII, p. 409.Man's joy knows no bounds when he obtains something beyond his hopes.
- "Mahabaleshwar, April 21, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXIX, p. 437.Verily, the land belongs to him who labours on it.
- "January 21, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXIX, p. 427.To remain entangled in things physical and aspire for self-realization is like asking for the moon.
- "May 30, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 456.When we give something, we must give the truest part of ourselves.
- "June 15, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 458.Knowing that everything has two sides, let us look at the bright side alone.
- "June 16, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 458.To a starving person, God will appear in the form of bread alone.
- "November 30/December 3, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXII, p. 446.Evenmindedness is the best of all wisdom.
- "June 22, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 458.There is a limit to violent action and it can fail. Non-violence knows no limit and it never fails.
- "December 11, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXXII, p. 447.When the ego dies, the soul awakes.
- "Uruli, March 29, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIII, p. 414.That being so, why is man happy or miserable?
- "January 12, 1945", CWMG, vol. LXXIX, p. 426.A calculating mind cannot attain self-realization.
- "June 12, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIV, p. 457.Keep all, lose all.
- "Thursday, August 8, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXV, p. 506.Not to own our mistake is to repeat it and to commit the additional sin of concealing it.
- "March 13, 1946", CWMG, vol. LXXXIII, p. 412.A one-time authentic documentation of Gandhiji’s available writings was carried out meticulously, and conscientiously under the CWMG project of the Government of India in 1956.
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