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  • Dr. S.P. Mookerjee

    Minister for Industry and Supply

    Undying influence The light that illumined our motherland and indeed the world amidst darkness and sorrow has suddenly gone out. The passing away of Mahatma Gandhi is the most stunning blow that could fall on India. That he who had made India free and self-reliant, a friend of all and enemy of none, loved and respected by millions, should fall at the hands of an assassin, one of his own community and countrymen, is a matter of the deepest shame and tragedy. He is of those whose influence never dies and indeed shines more and more with the passage of time.

    The shot of the assassin not only vitally pierced through his mortal body but has grievously struck the very heart of Humanism and India, which could survive only if people resolutely decide to make the pursuit of such methods impossible.
