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  • Rev. Dr. John Holmes

    Minister, Community Church, New York(In a letter to Mr. Devadas Gandhi)

    One of the saviours of mankind The New York Times correspondent described him as “The greatest Indian since Buddha” and others referred to him as “The greatest man since Christ”. These characterizations are elementary-they anticipate the sure judgment of posterity. I shall never cease to be grateful that I recognised this years ago-Gandhiji was to me the greatest of men and the noblest of spiritual prophets from the first moment that I knew him.

    Your father was not only the greatest but also the most lovable of men. I have felt-in his death an acutely personal loss which has almost broken my heart. I know that in this I am sharing the feelings of all who have known him or even seen him. His hold upon men's souls was irresistible and his power therefore incredible. I am convinced that in his death he will be even more influential than in his life. He died for the noblest of causes, the reconciliation of all men in brotherhood and love and he must be remembered, as long as the world endures, as one of the saviours of mankind.
