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Round Table Conference and London.

Date Place Events Important Articles/Letters/Interviews
Round Table Conference and London.      
August 29, 1931 Bombay Gave interview to Bombay Chronicle on train; reached Bombay; addressed public meeting;
Sailed for London by s.s. Rajputana to attend Round Table Conference.
With him sailed Malaviya, Mrs. Naidu, Prabhashankar Pattani, Mahadev Desai, Pyarelal, Devadas, Mirabehn, and G.D. Birla.
Interview to "Bombay Chronicle",CWMG Vol. XLVII, pp. 378 - 381;
Letter to Viceroy, CWMG Vol. XLVII, pp. 382 - 383;
Speech at Public Meeting, Bombay, CWMG Vol. XLVII, pp. 383 - 384;
September 2, 1931 On way Appealed to Indian people to preserve absolutely non-violent atmosphere during absence and follow constructive programme.  
September 3, 1931 Aden Reached Aden; gave interview to Reuter; was presented address and purse at reception in reply to which he said that free India could be a great force of service to whole of mankind. Statement to Reuter; CWMG Vol. XLVII, pp. 388 - 389;
Speech at Reception, Aden, CWMG Vol. XLVII, pp. 389 - 390;
September 6,1931 On way Reached Suez  
September 7,1931 Port Said Silence Day. Gandhi reached Port Said; in interview to Cairo's Al Ahram, said if RTC failed consequences would be resumption of civil disobedience movement; urged Egyptian nationalists to fight non-violently; in special interview to The Daily Telegraph, said he would not be a party to anysettlement subjugating any community to another in India.
Received Mustafa Nahas Pasha's welcome message inviting him to visit Egypt on his homeward journey.
Expressed disappointment on arrival at Port Siad as large number of admmirers were prevented by authorities from meeting him.
Statement to "Al Ahram", CWMG Vol. XLVII, p. 397;
Interview to "The Daily Telegraph", CWMG Vol. XLVII, p. 398;
September 10,1931 On way In interview on board ship said he had prepared no plans, no speeches, no arguments and no programme for his stay in London.  
September 11,1931 Marseilles Landed at Marseilles; was received by Madeleine Rolland on behalf of her brother,Romain Rolland who was ill; told Pressmen: "I am going to England to realize the dream of my life-the freedom of my country."
In interview to The New York Times said he had no intention of visiting the United States as he believed he was "not wanted" there.
In another interview to Press said he would, provided he was invited to, go to Lancashire even if he was to be lynched.Left at 4.30 p.m. by P. and O. Express for Calais.
Interview to the Press, CWMG Vol. XLVII, p. 413;
Interview to "The New York Times", CWMG Vol. XLVII, pp. 415 - 417;
September 12, 1931 Paris Gandhi arrived in London.
In interview to the Press gave essece of Congress mandate.
Spoke at Friends' House, London.
Interview to "The Evening Standard",CWMG Vol. XLVIII, pp. 1 - 2;
Speech at Friend's House, London, CWMG Vol. XLVIII, pp. 2 - 4;
September 13, 1931 London In broadcast to America from Columbia Broadcasting Service made an appeal to conscience of the people.
Met British Prime Minister and Lord Sankey.
Broadcast to America, CWMG Vol. XLVIII, pp.
8 - 10;
Before September 14 London In message to The Times said that he wanted goodwill of every Englishman and Englishwoman in his mission of peace. Message to "The Times", CWMG Vol. XLVIII,
p. 11
September 14, 1931 London Attended Federal Structure Committee meeting but did not speak, it being his Silence Day.  
September 15, 1931 London At Federal Structure Committee presented national demand of Complete Independence. Speech at Federal Structure Committee, CWMG Vol. XLVIII, pp. 13 - 20;
September 16 1931 London Speaking at meeting of Labour M.P.s reiterated India's demand for Complete Independence. Speech at Meeting of Labour M.P.s, CWMG Vol. XLVIII, pp. 21 - 23;
September 17, 1931 London Gave interview to the Textile Mercury and News Chronicle.
Spoke at Federal Structure Committee on elections of members of Federal Legislature.
Interview to "Textile Mercury", CWMG Vol. XLVIII, pp. 24 - 25;
Interview to "The News Chronicle",
CWMG Vol. XLVIII, pp. 25 - 26;
Speech at Federal Structure Committee, CWMG Vol. XLVIII, pp. 26 - 38;
September 19, 1931 London Spoke at Reception at Kingsley Hall.  
September 21, 1931 London Shifted to 88 Knightsbridge from Kingsley Hall.  
September 22, 1931 London Had interview with Charlie Chaplin.
Spoke at meeting of Federal Structure Committee on Government's decision to abandon Gold Standard.
Interview with Charlie Chaplin, CWMG Vol. XLVIII, pp. 47 - 48;
Speech at Meeting of Federal Structure Committee,
CWMG Vol. XLVIII, pp. 48 - 49;
September 23, 1931 London Spoke at Guild House Church on "Voluntary Poverty".
Speaking at meeting of M.P.s elucidated idea of Complete Independence.
Speech at Guildhouse Church, CWMG Vol. XLVIII, pp. 50 - 58;
Speech at Meeting of M.P.s, CWMG Vol. XLVIII, pp. 59 - 61;
September 24, 1931 London Had discussions with Aga Khan and Jinnah. Attended Federal Structure Committee meeting. Extract from proceedings of the Fedral Structure Committee Meeting, CWMG Vol. XLVIII, pp. 62 - 63;
September 25, 1931 London Called on Lord Irwin.  
September 26, 1931 Lancashire Had talks with representatives of cotton industry at Edgeworth and at Darwen.
Received deputation of unemployed workers at Springfield Garden Village.
Talk with Representatives of the Cotton Industry, CWMG Vol. XLVIII, pp. 66 - 67;
September 26/27,
Lancashire Spoke on Lancashire's unemployment problem. Interview to Unemployed Workers' Deputation, CWMG Vol. XLVIII, pp. 68 - 69;
Speech in Lancashire, CWMG Vol. XLVIII, p. 69
September 27, 1931 Lancashire Spoke at Adult School, West Bradford.
Received deputations from unemployed workers and Clitheroe Weavers' Association at West Bradford.
Had talks with Press reporters.
Speech at Adult School, CWMG Vol. XLVIII, pp.71 - 73;
Interview to Unemployed Workers' Deputation, CWMG Vol. XLVIII, pp. 73 - 74;
Statement to the Press, CWMG Vol. XLVIII, pp. 75 - 77;
September 28, 1931 London Attended Minorities Committee meeting.  
September 29, 1931 London Had discussions with Sir Samuel Hoare.  
September 30, 1931 London Had interview with Prime Minister.
Spoke at reception, Indian Chamber of Commerce, London.
Interview with Ramsay Macdonald, CWMG Vol. XLVIII, p. 96;
Speech at Indian Chamber of Commerce, CWMG Vol. XLVIII, pp. 96 - 97;
October 1, 1931 London Had meeting with the Aga Khan and other Muslim leaders at Ritz Hotel.
Had discussions with Prime Minister.
Speaking at Minorities Committee meeting, asked for its adjournment for a week.
Extracts from proceedings of Minorities Committee Meeting, CWMG Vol. XLVIII, pp. 102 - 104;
Before October 2,
    Interview to "The Jewish Chronicle", CWMG Vol. XLVIII, pp. 105 - 106;
October 2, 1931   Talked to Henry Carter on prohibition.
Independent Labour Party,Indian National Congress,League and the Gandhi Society arranged a birthday luncheon for Gandhiji at Westminister Palace rooms.
At Minorities Conference, London, Gandhiji opposed special representation to Depressed Classes.
Spoke at womem's reception arranged by Women's Indian Association at Central Y.M.C.A., London
Interview to Henry Carter, CWMG Vol. XLVIII, pp. 106 - 107, CWMG Vol. XLVIII, pp. 106 - 107;
Speech at Luncheon, CWMG Vol. XLVIII, pp. 108 - 110;
Speech at Minorities Conference, CWMG Vol. XLVIII, p. 111;
Speech at Women's Reception, CWMG Vol. XLVIII, pp. 111 - 112;
October 3, 1931 London Went to see C.F.Andrews at Canterbury.  
October 4, 1931   At Canterbury  
October 5, 1931 London Spoke at a meeting of Minorities Conference, London. Speech at Minorities Conference, CWMG
Vol. XLVIII, pp. 113 - 114;
October 6, 1931 London Addressed Fellowship Club.
Attended party in honour of Lord Irwin.
October 7, 1931 London Spoke at a meeting of Friends of India, London. Speech at Meeting of Friends of India, CWMG Vol. XLVIII, p. 115;
October 8, 1931 London Presented Congress policy on minority question at Minorities Committee meeting.
Spoke at a conference of Missionary Societies in Great Britain and Ireland, London.
Speech at Minorities Committee Meeting, CWMG Vol. XLVIII,
pp. 115 - 119;
Speech at Conference of Missionary Societies in Great Britain and Ireland, CWMG Vol. XLVIII, pp. 120 - 128;
On or before
October 9
London Gave interviews to Madame Montessori and Shaw Desmond Interview with Maria Montessori, CWMG Vol. XLVIII, p. 128;
Interview to Shaw Desmond, CWMG Vol. XLVIII, pp. 128 - 129;
October 9, 1931 London Spoke at Federal Structure Committee meeting. Speech at Federal Structure Committee, CWMG Vol. XLVIII,
pp. 131 - 132;
October 10, 1931   At Chichester.  
On or before
 October 11
  Gave interview to H.N. Brailsford Interview to H.N. Brailsford, CWMG Vol. XLVIII, pp. 133 - 138;
October 12, 1931 London At National Labour Club said that India was determined to achieve Complete Independencem without shedding blood. Speech at National Labour Club Reception, CWMG Vol. XLVIII,
pp. 139 - 144;
October 13, 1931 London Explained communal question in interview to the Press.
Addressed Indian Students' meeting, Gower Street Hostel, Bloomsbury, London.
Interview to the Press, CWMG Vol. XLVIII, p. 144;
Speech at Indian Students' Meeting, CWMG Vol. XLVIII, pp. 145 - 148;
On or before
 October 14
  Gave interview to Joseph Bard, Editor, The Island, London. Statement to "The Island", CWMG Vol. XLVIII, pp. 149 - 150;
October 14, 1931 London Issued statement to the Press on solution of communal issue.
Had talks with Sir Samuel Hoare, Benthal and M.A. Jinnah.
Spoke at Federal Structure Committee meeting, London.
Statement to the Press, CWMG Vol. XLVIII, p. 150;
Speech at Federal Structure Committee Meeting, CWMG Vol. XLVIII, pp. 151 - 154;
October 15, 1931 London Spoke at meeting of students at International Students' Movement House, Russell Square, London.
Had talks with Samuel Hoare, T.B. Sapru, M.R. Jayakar and others.
Speech at Students Meeting, CWMG Vol. XLVIII, pp. 155 - 160;
October 16, 1931 London Had discussion wth Callender on Mass Production v. Production by the Masses.
Spoke at Federal Structure Committee meeting and at Temperance Workers' meeting.
Interview to Callender, CWMG Vol. XLVIII, pp. 163 - 167;
Extract from Proceedings of the Federal Structural Committee Meeting, CWMG Vol. XLVIII, pp. 169 - 171;
October 17, 1931 London Spoke at Nottingham University College, Nottingham. Speech at Nottingham University College, CWMG Vol. XLVIII,
pp. 174 - 175;
On or after October 17, 1931 London Gave interview to E.Wrench, Editor, The Spectator, London. Interview to Evelyn Wrench,
CWMG Vol. XLVIII, pp. 175 - 181;
October 18, 1931 Burmingham Spoke to Indians at Selly Oak, Birmingham, and exhorted them to return to India and serve their countrymen.
Spoke at Woodbrooke Settlement, Selly Oak, Birmingham on India's decision to attain freedom through peaceful means.
Interview with Bishop of Birmingham,  CWMG Vol. XLVIII,
pp. 182 - 183;
Speech at Birmingham Meeting,  CWMG Vol. XLVIII, pp. 184 - 189;
October 19, 1931 Birmingham Left Birmingham in the morning.  
October 20, 1931 London Spoke at Federal Structure Committee meeting, London.

Speech on "God Is" (article printed in Young India dated 11-10-1928) was recorded by Columbia Broadcasting Company, London.

At meeting held under the auspices of the Royal Institute of International Affairs at Chatham House, London, spoke on "India of Today and Tomorrow."
Extract from proceedings of the Fedral Structure Committee Meeting, CWMG Vol. XLVIII, pp. 191 - 193;

"God Is", CWMG Vol. XXXVII, pp. 347 - 350;

Speech at Chatham House Meeting,  CWMG
Vol. XLVIII, pp. 193 - 206;
October 21, 1931 London Called on Lord Irwin and Col. Maddock. Attended Federal Structure Committee meeting.  
October 22, 1931 London Spoke at Federal Structure Committee meeting, London;
Gave interview to The Statesmen
Interview to "The Statesmen", CWMG Vol. XLVIII, p. 208;
Extracts from Proceedings of the Federal Structure Committee Meeting,CWMG Vol. XLVIII, pp. 209 - 213;
October 23, 1931 London Spoke at Federal Structure Committee meeting, London.
Had a talk with T.B. Sapru and others. Reached Eton at night.
Addressed a gathering of school Boys, Eton.
Left Eton in the morning for Oxford.
Interview to Reuter, CWMG Vol. XLVIII, p. 214;
Extracts from Proceedings of the Federal Structure Committee Meeting,CWMG Vol. XLVIII, pp. 215 - 220;
Speech at Gathering of Schoolboys, CWMG Vol. XLVIII, pp. 220 - 222;
October 24, 1931 Eton Spoke at meeting of Indian Majlis, Oxford.
Delivered a talk at Oxford.
Speech at Indian Mazlis, CWMG Vol. XLVIII, pp. 223 - 226;
Talk at Oxford, CWMG Vol. XLVIII, pp. 226 - 228;
October 26, 1931 London Attended Federal Structure Committee meeting.  
October 27, 1931 London Attended Federal Structure Committee meeting.  
October 28, 1931 London Spoke on child education at Montessori Training College, London. Speech at Montessori Training College, CWMG Vol. XLVIII,
pp. 238 - 240;
October 29, 1931 London   Interview to Charles Petrasch and others, CWMG Vol. XLVIII,
pp. 241 - 248;
October 30, 1931 London Spoke at a meeting of Commonwealth of India League, Central Hall, Westminister. Speech at Meeting of Commonwealth of India League,
CWMG Vol. XLVIII, pp. 249 - 252;
October 31, 1931 London Spoke at meeting of Quakers at Friends' House,
Speech at Friends' House,
 CWMG Vol. XLVIII, pp. 254 - 260;
November 1, 1931 Cambridge Spoke at Pembroke College, Cambridge, reiterating his faith in a partnership of India and Britain on equal terms.
Spoke at Indian Majlis.
Reached London.
Speech at Pembroke College, CWMG Vol. XLVIII, pp. 261 - 264;
Speech at Indian Majlis, CWMG Vol. XLVIII, pp. 264 - 265;
November 2, 1931 London Submitted written statement at
Federal Structure Committee, London
Statement at the Federal Structure Committee, CWMG Vol. XLVIII, pp. 265 - 266;
November 3, 1931 London Spoke at the annual meeting of Children's House, Bow Speech at Children's House,
CWMG Vol. XLVIII, pp. 266 - 267;
November 4, 1931 London Spoke at Federal Structure Committee meeting, London.
Spoke at Indian Medical Association.
Extracts from proceedings of Minorities Committee Meeting, CWMG Vol. XLVIII, p. 267;
November 5, 1931 London Spoke at meeting of Postal Workers' Union. Speech at Meeting of Postal Workers' Union, CWMG Vol. XLVIII,
pp. 268 - 270;
November 6, 1931 London Mr. and Mrs. George Bernard Shaw called on Gandhi. Interview with George Bernard Shaw, CWMG Vol. XLVIII, pp. 272 - 273;
November 7, 1931 Oxford Gandhi reached Oxford. Had talks with
Ramsay MacDonald and Prof. Murray.
November 9, 1931 London Returned to London from Oxford.
Declared in Press statement that he had cancelled his continental engagements.
Spoke at meeting, organized by Fellowship of Reconciliation at Friends' House, London.
Statement to the Press, CWMG Vol. XLVIII, p. 276;
Speech at Friends' House, CWMG Vol. XLVIII, pp. 276 - 279;
November 10, 1931 London Had talks with T.B. Sapru and others.
Discussed with J.M. Sen Gupta situation in Bengal. Spoke at London School of Economics.
Interview to J.M. Sengupta, CWMG Vol. XLVIII, p. 279;
Speech at London School of Economics, CWMG Vol. XLVIII,
pp. 279 - 281;
November 11, 1931 London Gave interview to the Press.
Explained his concept of Provincial autonomy at conference of the RTC delegates.
Interview to the Press, CWMG Vol. XLVIII, pp. 284 - 285;
Speech at Conference of delegates to R.T.C., CWMG Vol. XLVIII,
p. 285;
November 12, 1931 London Spoke at Commonwealth of India League, London. Speech at Commonwealth of India League, CWMG Vol. XLVIII,
pp. 286 - 290;
November 13, 1931 London Gave interview to News Chronicle.
Spoke at Minorities Committee meeting.
Spoke at Westminister School.
Telegram to "News Chronicle", CWMG Vol. XLVIII, pp. 291 - 293;
Speech at Minorities Committee Meeting, CWMG Vol. XLVIII,
pp. 293 - 298;
Speech at Westminister School, CWMG Vol. XLVIII, pp. 298 - 299;
November 14, 1931 London Called on Lord Irwin.
Gave interview to the Press.
Interview to the Press, CWMG Vol. XLVIII, pp. 299 - 301;
Letter to Prime Minister, CWMG Vol. XLVIII, pp. 301 - 302;
November 16, 1931 London Attended Minorities Committee meeting.  
November 17, 1931 London Sent a message to F.B. Fisher expressing his inability to visit America.
Spoke on defence at the Federal Structure Committee meeting.
Extracts from Proceedings of the Federal Structure Committee Meeting,CWMG Vol. XLVIII, pp. 303 - 310;
November 18, 1931 London Spoke at meeting of Women's Indian Council at
 Morley College, London.
Speech at Meeting of Women's Indian Council, CWMG Vol. XLVIII, pp. 311 - 312;
November 19, 1931 London Spoke on "Commercial Discrimination" at Federal Structure Committee Meeting.
Addressed London Vegeterian Society.
Extract from Proceedings of the Federal Structure Committee Meeting, CWMG Vol. XLVIII, pp. 314 - 325;
November 20, 1931 London Attended Vegeterians' meeting. Speech at Meeting of London Vegetarian Society, CWMG Vol. XLVIII, pp. 326 - 329;
November 24, 1931 London Had discussions with Prime Minister, Lord Sankey, State Secretary, Sapru and Lees-Smith.  
November 25, 1931 London Made two speeches on "Provincial Autonomy" and on "Finance" in Federal Structure Committee meetings.
Met Dr. Ambedkar in the evening.
Interview to "New Leader", CWMG Vol. XLVIII, pp. 333 - 336;
Speech at Federal Structure Committee Meeting, CWMG Vol. XLVIII, pp. 336 - 342;
Extract from Proceeding of the Federal Structure Committee Meeting, CWMG Vol. XLVIII, pp. 342 - 348;
November 26, 1931 London Participated in proceedings of Federal Structure Committee meeting. Extract from Proceedings of the Federal Structure Committee Meeting, CWMG Vol. XLVIII, pp. 349 - 350;
November 27, 1931 London Particiapted in Federal Structure Committee meeting. Extract from Proceedings of the Federal Structure Committee Meeting, CWMG Vol. XLVIII, p. 350;
November 28, 1931 London Took part in proceedings of plenary session of RTC. Extract from Proceedings of Plenary Session of the Round Table Conference, CWMG Vol. XLVIII, p. 351;
Before November 30 London Gave interview to the Press, London. Interview to London General Press, CWMG
Vol. XLVIII, pp. 352 - 354;
November 30, 1931 London Participated in proceedings of plenary session of RTC. Extract from Proceedings of Plenary Session of the Round Table Conference, CWMG Vol. XLVIII, p. 354;
December 1, 1931 London Delivered concluding speech at plenary session of RTC.
Gave interview to journalists.
Released statement to the Press on events in India.
Speech at Plenary Session of the Round Table Conference, CWMG Vol. XLVIII, pp. 356 - 368;
Interview to Journalists, CWMG Vol. XLVIII, pp. 368 - 370;
Extracts from Proceedings of Plenary Session of the Round Table Conference, CWMG Vol. XLVIII,
pp. 371 - 375;
December 2, 1931 London Gave interview to Sir Philip Hartog. Interview to Sir Philip Hartog, CWMG Vol. XLVIII,
pp. 377 - 380;
December 3, 1931 London Gave interview to the Press.
Had discussions with J.F. Horrabin, Wrench, Laski, Kingsley Martin, Brailsford and Nevinson.
Interview to the Press, CWMG Vol. XLVIII, pp. 380 - 381;
Discussion with J.F.Horrabin and Others, CWMG Vol. XLVIII, pp. 381 - 386;
December 4, 1931 London Called on Prime Minister and Secretary of State for
Before December
 5, 1931
London Gave interview to Edmond Demeter. Issued parting manifesto. Interview with Edmond Demeter, CWMG Vol. XLVIII, pp. 386 - 388;
A Manifesto, CWMG Vol. XLVIII, pp. 388 - 389;