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Kheda - June 1918

Date Place Significant Event(s) Noteworthy Letter(s)/Interview (s) CWMG Details
1-Jun-18 Ahmedabad      
2-Jun-18 Ahmedabad   Wrote to The Bombay Chronicle and Sir George Barnes on anti-Indian legislation in South Africa. CWMG Vol XIV, pp. 410 - 413
3-Jun-18 Utarsanda,
Discussed Kaira Satyagraha with Mamlatdar;
Arrived at settlement
  CWMG Vol XIV, pp. 414 - 416
4-Jun-18 Ahmedabad Some satyagrahis led by Mohanlal
Kameshwar Pandya removed Onion crop from a field, (which was not attached by government ) during Kaira satyagraha. These were arrested and sentenced to punishment varying from 10 to 20 days. Leader was nicknamed 'Onon thief'.
5-Jun-18 Ahmedabad      
6-Jun-18 Nadiad Issued bulletein about happy end of Kaira
Issued bulletein about happy end of Kaira Satyagraha alongwith Vallabhbhai Patel CWMG Vol XIV, pp. 416 - 419
7-Jun-18 Ahmedabad      
8-Jun-18 Navagam,
Spoke on punishment awarded to
'Onion Thief' (Doongali Chor)
  CWMG Vol XIV, pp. 419 - 421
9-Jun-18 Bombay Gave evidence in District Magistrate's Court,
 Nadiad, accepting responsibility for advising accused to remove onions from wrongly forfeited fileds; addressed large gathering outside Court exhorting people to adhere to satyagraha.
  CWMG Vol XIV, pp. 421 - 422
10-Jun-18 Bombay Attended Provincial War Conference
(Town Hall); Governor did not allow Tilak, Kelkar etc. to express their views. They left meeting; Jinnah prottested a little but neither he not MKG left.
11-Jun-18 Bombay -
  Letter to Lord Willingdon, expressing disappointment over unfair treatment of Kaka Kallkar and Tilak. CWMG Vol XIV, pp. 423 - 424
12-Jun-18 Poona,
13-Jun-18 Poona-
    CWMG Vol XIV, p. 425
14-Jun-18 Nadiad      
15-Jun-18 Bombay Called on Governor of Bombay    
16-Jun-18 Bombay Presided over Home Rule League meeting
to express displeasure at Govt.'s attitude during Town Hall meeting.
Letter to Shankerlal Banker; guiding him to continue work from The Home Rule League. CWMG Vol XIV, pp. 425 - 433
17-Jun-18 Nadiad-
Comferred with close associates regarding
recruitment in Nadiad
Cable to British Prime Minister;
communicated the resolutions passed by the Home Rule League with respect to the War.
CWMG Vol XIV, pp. 434 - 435
18-Jun-18 Ahmedabad Attended meeting of Gujarat Sabha;
Dissatisfied with results.
19-Jun-18 Ahmedabad Discussion with Ashram inmates regarding
recruitment for war services.
  CWMG Vol XIV, p. 435
20-Jun-18 Ahmedabad-
21-Jun-18 Nadiad Spoke on recruitment   CWMG Vol XIV, pp. 435 - 439
22-Jun-18 Nadiad Appealed public to enlist for war service.   CWMG Vol XIV, pp. 439 - 444
23-Jun-18 Nadiad   Letter to C.F. Andrews, explaining his position on himsa.

Letter to Sonja Schlesin and Devdas Gandhi
CWMG Vol XIV, pp. 444 - 450
24-Jun-18 Nadiad,
Presided over meeting to protest against
Governor's insulting treatment to Home Rule League members.
  CWMG Vol XIV, pp. 450 - 453
25-Jun-18 Kaira Spoke on recruitment    
26-Jun-18 Ras, Vasad Spoke on recruitment   CWMG Vol XIV, pp. 453 - 454
27-Jun-18 Mehmadabad,
In Kheda, stressed significance and efficacy of satyagraha at reception to released satyagrahis.   CWMG Vol XIV, pp. 455 - 458
28-Jun-18 Nadiad,
Reception to Doongali Chor; Compared
satyagraha to kalpavriksha
  CWMG Vol XIV, pp. 458 - 459
29-Jun-18 Nadiad Second day of celebration of success of
Kaira Satyagraha; MKG was offered flowers as Guru-Dakshina
  CWMG Vol XIV, pp. 459 - 462