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Kheda - February 1918

Date Place Significant Event(s) Noteworthy Letter(s)/Interview (s) CWMG Details
4-Feb-18 Bombay Spoke to merchants about plight of agriculturists of Kheda district. Presided over by Jamnadas Dwarkadas   CWMG Vol XIV, pp. 182 - 184
5-Feb-18 Bombay Met Governor, alongwith Dinshaw Wacha and G.K. Parikh, and discussed situation in Kaira district; Wrote to Governor, being not satisfied with Governor's reply.  Wrote to Governor, being not
satisfied with Governor's reply.
CWMG Vol XIV, p. 184
6-Feb-18 Ahmedabad Reached Ashram, took note of notices
issued by Collectors and Mamlatdar's.
7-Feb-18 Ahmedabad   Wrote to Commissioner about
situation in Kaira; protested against harsh language of Government notices.
CWMG Vol XIV, p. 185
8-Feb-18 Ahmedabad Advised Ahmedabad mill-hands to be
reasonable in their demands and seek settlement without creating bitterness.
  CWMG Vol XIV, pp. 185 - 186
9-Feb-18 Ahmedabad      
10-Feb-18 Ahmedabad   Letter to Vinoba Bhave,
praising him.
CWMG Vol XIV, pp. 186 - 189
11-Feb-18 Ahmedabad Sought appointment from Collector to
discuss mill strike
  CWMG Vol XIV, pp. 189 - 191
12-Feb-18 Ahmedabad Discussed with Commissioner and Collector Kaira situation   CWMG Vol XIV, pp. 191 - 192
13-Feb-18 Ahmedabad Discussion continued   CWMG Vol XIV, pp. 192 - 194
14-Feb-18 Ahmedabad      
15-Feb-18 Ahmedabad Presided over Gujarat Sabha Executive;
Wrote to Commissioner, asked him to postpone land revenue recovery till his inquiry into Kheda situation was over.
  CWMG Vol XIV, pp. 195 - 196
16-Feb-18 Ahmedabad, Nadiad Accompnied Gokaldas Kahandas Parekh and
Vithalbhai Patel to study situation in Kaira district
Letter to Devdas Gandhi CWMG Vol XIV, pp. 197 - 198
17-Feb-18 Nadiad and
18-Feb-18 Nadiad,
Advised people to resort to Satyagraha in
19-Feb-18 Nadiad,
Explained to mill-hands his responsibility  in regard to their trouble;
The Servant of India commenced publication on third death anniversary of Gokhale.
20-Feb-18 Nadiad Collector Chitnavis saw MKG   CWMG Vol XIV, pp. 202 - 209
21-Feb-18 Nadiad, Kaira,
Nayaka, Navagam, Nadiad
Saw collector in connection with Kaira
  CWMG Vol XIV, pp. 209 - 212
22-Feb-18 Nadiad, Anand
and Lambhvel
Ahmedabad mill-owners declared general
23-Feb-18 Nadiad and
24-Feb-18 Nadiad     CWMG Vol XIV, p. 212
25-Feb-18 Nadiad,
Asked for particulars of wages of millhands
from millowners' Association.
26-Feb-18 Ahmedabad Commenced issuing leaflets on mill-hands' struggle, also practice of addressing mill-workers daily under babul tree on Sabarmati banks.
Supplied in writing to Collector of Kaira, findings of his personal inquiries.
Letter to Collector, Kheda; supplied findings of his personal inquiries. CWMG Vol XIV, pp. 212 - 217
27-Feb-18 Ahmedabad Discussion with millhands; Saw
commissioner regarding situation in Kaira
Letter to Ramdas Gandhi; consoling him about his position in general. CWMG Vol XIV, pp. 216 - 223
28-Feb-18 Ahmedabad Addressed millhands   CWMG Vol XIV, pp. 224 - 226