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  • How strange that one who claims not to fear death fears it the most, and seeks every means to avoid it!

    April 28, 1945, CWMG, vol. LXXX, p. 430.
  • A sons obeisance to his parents is undoubtedly a form of prayer. What homage, then, must we pay to Him who is the Eternal Father of us all? Prayer may not be interpreted here in a narrow sense.

    April 29, 1945, CWMG, vol. LXXX, p. 431.
  • A Thought for Today, published in todays The Times of India, appealed to me. Its purport is : Believe in Truth, think Truth and live Truth. Howsoever triumphant untruth may seem to be, it can never prevail against Truth.

    April 30, 1945, CWMG, vol. LXXX, p. 431.
  • Where there is hypocrisy, even if there is something good along with it, do not go there even for the sake of picking up that good only. If you do, it could be co-operation with evil which must not be offered.

    May 1, 1945, CWMG, vol. LXXX, p. 431.
  • Just as we throw away milk if there is poison in it, so must we reject any good which has got the poison of hypocrisy mixed with it.

    May 2, 1945, CWMG, vol. LXXX, p. 431.
  • Says Confucius : In a well-ordered State, progress is not measured in terms of wealth. The purity of the people and their leaders alone constitutes the true wealth of the nation.

    May 3, 1945, CWMG, vol. LXXX, p. 431.
  • Minds are of two kinds : one kind elevates, the other debases. Let us constantly reflect over this and learn to distinguish one from the other.

    May 4, 1945, CWMG, vol. LXXX, p. 431.
  • Just as only others can see a mans back while he himself cannot, we too cannot see our own errors.

    May 5, 1945, CWMG, vol. LXXX, p. 431.
  • Is not death, in every case, a release from too much suffering? If so, why lament when it comes?

    May 6, 1945, CWMG, vol. LXXX, p. 431.
  • Life is likened to a rose; because life, too, is full of thorns.

    May 7, 1945, CWMG, vol. LXXX, p. 431.