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  • The hasty are ruffled; the slow and steady have composure.One sees the truth of this every moment.

    March 29, 1945, CWMG, vol. LXXIX, p. 434.
  • How dangerous it is to fall out of routine? Since coming to Bombay, I have failed to write daily. (Written on 3-4-1945.)

    March 30, 1945, CWMG, vol. LXXIX, p. 435.
  • Nothing can work without rules. The entire solar system would go to pieces if there were even a momentary breach of the rules governing it. (Written on 3-4-1945.)

    March 31, 1945, CWMG, vol. LXXIX, p. 435.
  • This lesson is for all alike, big and small. We must learn it and act accordingly, or else die a living death.(Written on 3-4-1945.)

    April 1, 1945, CWMG, vol. LXXIX, p. 435.
  • It is sinful to multiply wants unnecessarily.(Written on 3-4-1945.)

    April 2, 1945, CWMG, vol. LXXIX, p. 435.
  • Hartal (general strike) is being observed today for saving the lives of those who have been condemned to the gallows. If the days programme is carried out with understanding, we shall have taken a big stride forward on the path of non-violence.

    April 3, 1945, CWMG, vol. LXXIX, p. 435.
  • Man knows what his duty is, yet does not do what he knows he ought to. Why is that so?

    April 4, 1945, CWMG, vol. LXXIX, p. 435.
  • We shall be undone if we succumb to the psychological environment around us. The situation regarding the Chimur prisoners keeps changing from day to day. Let us do our duty and remain detached.

    April 5, 1945, CWMG, vol. LXXIX, p. 435.
  • What a high degree of non-violence is needed to bear patiently with a person who is bent on misunderstanding even the simplest thing!

    April 6, 1945, CWMG, vol. LXXIX, p. 435.
  • I strive hard to preserve my physical body. Do I take the same pains to know my soul?

    April 7, 1945, CWMG, vol. LXXIX, p. 435.