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  • We must not draw distinctions beween the East and the West. Everything must be judged on its merits. Thus alone can we do proper justice to things.

    March 9, 1945, CWMG, vol. LXXIX, p. 432.
  • Why is there good and evil, happiness and misery? God is and yet He is not an individual. He is the Law as well as the Law-giver. Therefore it follows that man is what his actions make of him. He rises by good actions, and falls by evil ones.

    March 10, 1945, CWMG, vol. LXXIX, p. 432.
  • True service of society is that whereby society, that is, all its members, are uplifted. Only by studying a particular society will it be possible to say how it can be raised.

    March 11, 1945, CWMG, vol. LXXIX, p. 432.
  • Man knows very well that when death is near, there is no solace but God, yet hesitates to utter His name! Why?

    March 12, 1945, CWMG, vol. LXXIX, p. 433.
  • There is only one way of achieving independence through non-violence : by dying we live, by killing never.

    March 13, 1945, CWMG, vol. LXXIX, p. 433.
  • How shall we die? By committing suicide? Never. To hold ourselves in readiness to die, when there is occasion for it, is to die only to live for ever.

    March 14, 1945, CWMG, vol. LXXIX, p. 433.
  • There is nothing that cannot be attained by patience and equanimity. The truth of this can be verified in ones daily ex­perience.

    March 15, 1945, CWMG, vol. LXXIX, p. 433.
  • Between destiny and human endeavour there is an incessant struggle. Let us continue to endeavour and leave the result to God.

    March 16, 1945, CWMG, vol. LXXIX, p. 433.
  • Let us not leave everything to destiny, nor be vain about our endeavour. Destiny will take its own course. We should only see where we can intervene or where it is our duty to do so, whatever be the result.

    March 17, 1945, CWMG, vol. LXXIX, p. 433.
  • The pity is that even while knowing what our duty is, we fail to perform it! For this, let every man answer to himself.

    March 18, 1945, CWMG, vol. LXXIX, p. 433.

