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South Africa
No.  Year Dates Fast (Place) Fast (Reason)
1 1912 June 16- November 20 Johannesburg/Durban One meal a day
2 1913 June 27-29 Durban/
On the way
One meal a day (To atone for the misbehaviour of a female teacher and school children of Phoenix Ashram)
3   July 12 - November 11 Johannesburg,Durban,
Phoenix Ashram
One meal a day (Due to immoral relationship between a male and a female living in the Phoenix Ashram)
4   November 12 -December 31 In Jail Decided to take one meal a day until the £ 3 tax was abolished
  1914 January to May 1   One meal a day for the above said reason
5   May 2 - June 26 Durban, Capetown To atone for the breach of vow of a Phoenix Ashramite
1 1915 June 1  Ahmedabad Detection of untruth among Ashram boys.
2   September 11  Ahmedabad Because some of the Ashramites observed a fast because a Harijan family was admitted to the Ashram.
3   September 12 Ahmedabad To atone for smoking of a bidi by an ashramite
4 1916 May  or  June 12 Ahmedabad Fasted for 3 days in protest against Manilal's financial help to Harilal, without his knowledge.
5 1918 March 15-17 Ahmedabad To keep the resolve of the Mill-hands of Ahmedabad.
6 1919 April 6* Mumbai To mark the first day of the Satyagraha struggle
  *and thereafter every year on this date  
7   April 13 to 15 Ahmedabad Against disturbances at Bombay, Ahmedabad and other places
  and thereafter on each April 13 of every year
8 1921 November 19 to 21 Mumbai Against disturbances at Bombay.
9   November 28* ……….  Ahmedabad Agitated with Bombay riots, took a vow to fast on every Monday for 24 hours until independence was achieved; the vow implemented from this day
  *and thereafter on every Monday    
10 1922 February 12 to 16 Bardoli Due to the killing of policemen in Chauri Chaura
11 1924 September 17 to 30 Delhi For Hindu-Muslim unity.
    October 1 to 7
12 1925 November 24 to 30 Ahmedabad Detection of sexual aberrations in some boys and girls of the Ashram.
13 1928 June 22 to 24 Ahmedabad Moral lapse of an Ashram inmate.
14 1932 September 20 to 25 Yeravda Jail Against the Communal Award
15   3-Dec Yeravda Jail In protest against Government not allowing a fellow-prisoner to do scavenging work.
16 1933 May 8 to 28 Parna Kuti, Pune For self-purification.
17   August 16 to 22 Yeravda Jail In protest against Government decision not to grant all the facilities for Harijan work which he was granted previousely. 
18 1934 August 7 to 13 Wardha To atone for the injury caused to Pundit Lalnath in collision between him and
the Sanatanists on one side and the public on the other.
19 1939 March 3 to 6 Rajkot Against breach of promise by the Rajkot ruler.
20 1940 November 12 to 13 Sevagram Suspicion of theft by an Ashram inmate.
21 1941 April 25 to 27 Sevagram 72 hours' fast. Probably because of communal riots in Bombay and Ahmedabad.
22   June 29 Sevagram For communal unity.
23 1943 February 10 to 28 Aga Khan
Palace, Jail
In protest against Government propaganda that the responsibility for disturbances after arrest of leaders (after the 'Quit India' resolution was passed) was that of the Congress.
    March 1 to 2
24 1944 November 30 ? Sevagram Fasted or thought of fasting for one or more days. Details and reasons could not be traced.
25 1946 October 20 ……..  Delhi About four days. Probably on account of an error by the person who prepared the fair
copy of a letter written during negotiations with the Muslim League.
26 1947 15-Aug Calcutta Against partition of the country.
27   September 1 to 3 Calcutta Against communal riots
28   October 11 Delhi Fasted on Birth date according to Vikram Calendar.
29 1948 January 13 to 17 Delhi Against Communal disturbances.